Hannah and Her Sisters

(April) l go limp in
the last scene of La Traviata.

Me too. l have a private box at the Met.
l bring a bottle of wine. l open it, l sit
there, l watch and l cry. lt's disgusting.

- What do you do?
- l'm an architect.

- What kind of things do you build?
- Are you interested?

What time do you get off?
- (Holly) The red one?
- (April) lt's magnificent!

The design's deliberately
noncontextual, but l wanted

to keep the atmosphere of the street,
and the proportions, and in the material.

- That's unpolished red granite.
- (April) ls that what it is?

- lt has an organic quality about it.
- Right.

Almost entirely, wholly interdependent,
if you know what l mean.

l can't put it into words.
The important thing is, it breathes.

You know, people pass by vital
structures in this city all the time

and never appreciate them. l get the
feeling you tune into your environment.

Oh, it's really important.
- What are your favourite buildings?
- Wanna see some?

- Yeah.
- Well, let's do it.

(Holly) lt's just so romantic.
l just wanna put on a long gown

and open the French doors
and go on the balcony.

(David) lt's romantic. And it's got a
handsome partner sitting right beside it.

They fit right in together. And your eye
goes along, lulled into complacency,
