Hannah and Her Sisters

l think Lee met an interesting guy
at Columbia. He sounds really nice.

Yeah, OK, all right. Well,
we'll talk at Thanksgiving. Bye-bye.

Now, here's a song that Norma sang
on that trip we made
up to the show in Buffalo.

And, oh, was she beautiful that night!
- Come on!
- Oh, yes, you were, dear.

Don't you remember that night?
She was so beautiful

that when men saw her
walking along the street,

they'd drive their cars
right up on the sidewalk.

- That right, honey?
- A slight exaggeration.

But only slight.
( piano playing)
You've been very cold to me tonight.
ls something wrong?
Not here.
There are too many people around.

Hey, Hannah?
l think Lee is really serious about
her new boyfriend. He sounds really nice.

l'm so happy for her. l think she's in love.
- Hey, what's the matter?
- l'm real upset about what you wrote.

- My script?
- lt's obviously based on Elliot and me.

- Oh, so loosely.
- No, not loosely. Real specifically!

ls that how you see us?
Can l not accept gestures and feelings
from people? Do l put people off?

- lt's a made-up story.
- No, it's real exact!

The situations, dialogue, everything.
lt's full of intimate details
between Elliot and me,

which l don't see how you
could even possibly know about!
