
Having a shoWer, darling?
We'll be late.
I knoW about you
and Thelma Rice.

- I knoW everything. It's all here.
- Shit.

You didn't even
hide the evidence.

You just threW it in a draWer.
- Hotels. Motels.
- Oh, shit.

You couldn't even pay cash,
like a normal philanderer.

You charged everything.
I mean, look at this.

Look at all these floWers
that you bought her.

And you occasionally brought me
home a bunch of Wilted zinnias.

HoW can you do this?
If I'm such a bitch, then tell me.

But don't do this.
We have a baby, Mark.

We have another baby coming.
- Don't you even care about them?
- Of course I care.

Do you love her?
I can't do this.
I can't do this right noW.
Please, don't let this be happening.
Please, just don't let this be happening.

Why can't We go back to the Way
it Was? I promise I'll be the Way I Was.

There's just no point in...
Need that too.
