Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer

Otis said you hit her
with a baseball bat.

Otis said that?
Well, he's mistaken.
Well, don't tell him l told you,
he made me promise.

She must have treated
you real bad.

She was a whore.
My mama was a whore.
But l don't fault her for that.
lt ain't what she done
it's how she done it.

As long as l can remember she'd
be bringing men up to the house.

My daddy was there too
but it didn't matter
nothing to her.

She make me watch it.
That's creepy.
She beat me too, a lot.
She beat me
when l wouldn't watch it.

And sometime she'd beat me
make me wear a dress
and watch her doing it.
and then they'd laugh at me.
She made you wear a dress?
You think l'm lying?
l feel like l know you
like l've known you
for a long time.

l feel like l've known you
for ever and ever.

Yeah...l killed my mama...
one night.
lt was my 1 4th birthday
and she was drunk
and we had an argument.

And she hit me
with a whiskey bottle
