
Miss Fleener?
Good morning.
I heard the boys weren't
real generous with you last night.

I keep forgetting there are
only 50 people in this town.

- This hick town, you mean?
- I didn't say that.

That's what you're thinking, isn't it?
I thought we were gonna be friends.
- I guess you'll wanna talk about Jimmy.
- Why would I?

You've been told
you can't win without him?

Too many times in the last 24 hours.
What's it to do with you?

I look after him. His mother's sick, his
father passed away and we're neighbours.

He and I decided
it's best for him not to play...

- Fine.
- You hear me? He's not gonna play.

That's fine.
- You'll be convinced to go after him.
- If I am, you will be the first to know, OK?

Good morning. Good morning.
(George) Come on, outside.
Quit throwing the ball around and shoot it!

Move it! That's the shot. Outside.
Get on the board! Good shot.
Gimme two. Gimme two outside. Get it up
there. You can't score if you don't shoot!

Shoot from outside!
Quit throwing it around! Get it in the hole!

Oh, there you are. I thought we'd go
20 minutes on, 10 off and 20 on.

I had a different schedule in mind.
Look, mister, these boys
got a routine they're used to.

You throw a new coach with newfangled
ideas at 'em, might get 'em all confused.

We'll ease into it real slow.
Hell, our first game's
less than two weeks away.
