
(Cletus) Now, folks,
let's make him feel welcome.

Our new coach, Norman Dale.
First of all, I'd like to thank those of you
who have made me feel so welcome here.

(scattered clapping)
Thank you.
The boys and I are
getting to know each other,

to see who we are, and, uh...
what we can be.
So far I like what I've seen.
I'm very excited to be part
of Indiana basketball.

This is your team.
(cheerleader) Rade Butcher!
(band plays)
Whit Butcher!
Everett Flatch!
Ollie McClellan!
(man chants)
We want Jimmy! We want Jimmy!

(more people chant)
We want Jimmy! We want Jimmy!

We want Jimmy! We want Jimmy!
We want Jimmy! We want Jimmy!
We want Jimmy!
I would hope you would support
who we are, not who we are not.

These six individuals
have made a choice to work.
