
Lusenka, darling, pest,
it seems to you these...macaroni.

So. We know Russian do we?
Why was it necessary to conceal it?

Well we didn't conceal it.
It's very difficult to fathom a language,
when straight away you're
thinking in two languages.

And that Patsak is talking
all the time in languages,
the rest of which he doesn't know.

Why are you staring at me,
maimoona verishvilo.

They know Georgian too...
What did he say?
Ape son of a donkey.
So. We're from the Soviet Union,
here on a cultural exchange.

They know us, and where we are,
and can find us.

If you're not prepared to let us contact
our embassy, there will be large scale repercussions,
is that clear?

We don't understand ‘embassy’,
put on the bell quickly!

That means you understand macaroni,
you understand maimuni,
but you don’t know what's an embassy, idiots.

I've had enough!
You're morons, understand?

You thought about macaroni and I just repeated it.
This is not the Earth, and not Africa, my friend.

It's the planet Pluk, 215 in tenture.
In the galactic spiral of Kin Dza Dza.
Do you understand?

How do you do? Let's go...
Wear the bells, my friend... Wear them.
There we are, well done.
