Legal Eagles

Office hours are 9:00 to 5:00.
My number's in the book.

I'm with the police.
My name is C.J. Cavanaugh.

I'm a detective. Manhattan South.
Just a minute.
- You have lD?
- Yes, ma'am.

Show it.
Yeah, that's lD.
Come on in.
- What's this about?
- The Deardon case.

There is no Deardon case.
The charges were dropped yesterday.

Wrong Deardon case.
- Do you mind if I sit down?
- I'll sit with you.

Seventeen years ago,
I headed an investigation...

into the murder of Sebastian Deardon.
- Murder?
- Murder.

Could you excuse me?
- Are you all right?
- Fine.

- Can I get you something?
- No, no!

I read that case record.
There was nothing about murder.
You read the whitewash.
My report got filed in someone's
wastebasket down at City Hall.

Seventeen years ago...
I pushed too hard on the case
with the captain in charge.

Suddenly, I'm busting winos.
What do you want me to do?
