Little Shop of Horrors

''When your life's a mess
You live

''Where depression's just...
''...status quo
''Down on Skid Row
''Someone show me a way
To get out of here

'''Cause l constantly pray
l'll get out of here

''Please, won't somebody say
l'll get out of here

''Someone give me my shot
Or l'll rot here

''Show me how and l will
''l'll get out of here
l'll start climbing uphill

''And get out of here
''Someone tell me
l still could get out of here

''Someone tell Lady Luck
That l'm stuck here

''Gee, it sure would be swell
To get out of here

''Bid the gutter farewell
And get out of here

''l'd move heaven and hell
To get out of Skid

''l'd do l don't know what
To get out of Skid

''But a hell of a lot
To get out of Skid

''People tell me there's not
A way out of Skid

''But believe me, l've got
To get out of Skid Row! ''

Six o'clock and we haven't sold
so much as a fern!

That's it! Forget it.
Don't bother coming in tomorrow.

You don't mean....
-l mean, l'm through. Kaput.
-You can't.

Kaput. Extinct. l'm closing this
God and customer forsaken place.

Mr. Mushnik, forgive me for saying so,
but has it ever occurred to you...
