Little Shop of Horrors

''Ain't he having some fun now?''
Yes, Mrs. Shiva.
No, Mrs. Shiva. Right away, Mrs. Shiva.
Did you send Mrs. Shiva's order?
Mrs. Shiva? l forgot!
You forgot?
You forgot!
Do you hear this, God? He forgot!
Are you listening, customers? He forgot!
Quick! We've got to do
an emergency arrangement.

Birthday? Wedding? Baby?
Get me the lilies.
Mr. Mushnik's real mad at me.
l keep forgetting things.

Scissors. You got a lot on your mind.
What mind? The Shivas are
our biggest funeral account.

A huge family, dropping off like flies!
Sometimes l think Mr. Mushnik's
too hard on you. Glue.

That's okay.
-l owe him everything.

He took me out
of the Skid Row Home for Boys...

...gave me a warm place to stay,
floors to sweep, toilets to clean...

...and every other Sunday off.
