Manon des sources

I tormented him to death
because I didn't know who he was.

If I'd told him about the spring,
he'd still be playing his harmonica

and you'd all be living in our family home.
No-one knows about it, but even so,
I'm bitterly ashamed.

In the village, there's one person
who'll tell you the truth.

It's Delphine, the old blind woman.
She'll explain how
it's all because of Africa.

I don't deserve to kiss you
and I never dared to speak to you,

but maybe now you can forgive me
and even pray for poor Ugolin and me.
Even I find myself a pitiable being.
I think it was because of spite
that I never went near him.

I never heard his voice or saw his face
or his eyes, which might have been
like his mother's.

All I saw was his hump
and the grief I caused him.

You'll understand why I want to die.
I'm so hounded by my miserable thoughts
that even hell will be a blessed release.

I'm not afraid to see him up there,
now he knows he's a Soubeyran and
it's not my fault he's a hunchback.

He realises it was all a foolish mistake.
I'm sure he won't resent me,
but will even defend me.
