
- Hey, you bum. Come on down and help a bit.
- But I am working. Don´t you hear it ?

Today I have been sweeping
at the old city wall again.

There are five stones
of a different color in the wall.

Like a T.
You understand, what I mean ?

You know, Momo.
Those were completely different times then,

when the wall was built.
Many people have worked there.
But there were two,
who put these stones in the wall.

And that was the two of us. You and me.
We looked very different then, very different.
But it was us.
I recognized us.

That was a sign.
Yeah, yeah. All right.
Your cave is slowly becoming a real dwelling.
The stove is almost finished.
Just the pipe into the wall,
and you can start cooking.

Cheers ... cockroach ...
I don´t want to see that stove.
Certainly it is slope and crooked.
I bet, all her pots will fall down.

I heard, his grandfather helped
building the Leaning Tower of Pisa.

Are you starting again ?
Come here. Crook.

Eliana. Tell him,
that I don´t talk with him anymore.

You think, you get away with everything,
only because you are stronger.

He wanted to kill me, you know ?
- Why ?
- No idea.

I don´t know. No idea.
If he goes on like that,
I might really kill him one day.

Can you believe it ?
I always paid, but he won´t let me
drink in his bar anymore.
