Mona Lisa

What the horse does?
No, no the dwarf, he's got another
session right and just as he's leaving the office:...

Another murder!
How did you know that?
l'm good at these things. Don't tell
me it was the lawyers wife

No, no it was the horse
What the horse did the murder,
murdered the lawyers wife?

Not the fucking lawyers wife, the
horse, the horse was the victim right

lt was the horse that got

What with an ice pick?
Yeah that would be good, l like
that. Anyway listen

What about this tall thin black

Ah. Well we got it wrong, the fella
did. Actually she's a nun in disguise

What kind of nun?
A sister of mercy, you know those
that wear the big white bonnets

Aye, with the big thingies on it.
She doesn't wear this the whole time though?

Well she can't can she cos she's on
the game

Look a bit funny wouldn't it? And
spoil the point of the exercise

She wouldn't be in disguise then
would she?

Well that's nuns for you
Can you tell them George is here

There's a mister George down here
Yeah that's ok, all right
Hi George
Hello Denny
How's the misses?
Don't see her Denny
Ah, the kid then
She's fine, she's fine
lt's my birthday today, you know
that? My fucking birthday

Well happy birthday
Thank you very much George,
through here

Aren't you going to ask me what

What age are you?
Fifty two George, and you?
Well its not my birthday is it?
No its not your birthday is it? You
know what l think?

What do you think?
l think that you think that l left
you in the shit

Well you did didn't ya? Kind of
