Mona Lisa

Have a drink anyway George, life
goes on happening

We can't control it, we can only
swim in it

So what happens when you can't

You get water on the brain George
But that can't be good Denny...
And you know what happens then

What happens?
You get confused and always with
the little things, you know the little things

What little things?
Do you or do you not get confused?
Yeah, l get confused
You still get confused?
Yes, l get confused
Great, great, well at least now
you know. You do know it don't you George?

Alright now l know
Well that's something, because do
you know what l'm good at George?

l'm good at the little things, the
little things that mean everything

lt seems that you forget George
l've got a family of me own now
and its all perfectly legal

And it's all through the little
things and you are part of that family George

One of my favourite parts
l'm glad Denny
l'm happy that you are glad
George, want another drink?

No, so what's it all about, what
am l doing here?

You're being happy that's what its
all about

You come out, l wasn't here, now
l'm here. l want you to know that l know that

That girl, see's the Arab
Every night
You ask her what she does
What d'ya mean what she does?
l mean what she does, what he
pays her for?

Why me?
Because you drive her George, you
should notice these things

The little things. The business is
different but the rules are still the same

l mean l can't ask her that
She tells you truthfully mind,
that's important

You tell me and l'll be happy

You didn't like me did you?
Don't, don't worry, everyone hates
me once in a while

But its important to me George
that you're happy
