One Crazy Summer

Just Ieave me aIone!
Every summer he sits there
trying to win that radio show.

Every summer he Ioses
a bit more of his mind.

Why don't they just Ieave me aIone
with my dream?

Okay. There.
BiIIy, take this in the back room.
FieId strip it.
CarefuI with that thing!
Boys, tourniquet!
-Mr. Raymond.

Thought you'd be in prison by now.
What can I do for you?
We're Iooking for Acky.
This is my friend, Hoops McCann.
Quit monkeying with that thing!
Another wasted summer, boys?
Why don't you go in with Acky?
Just think of it.

Death from above! Airborne!
Excuse me if I'm wrong, sir,
but Acky throws up on the ferris wheeI...

at the chiIdren's park.
You've got no coIIege acceptance.
You've got no direction with your Iives.
No pIan.

When there's no pIan, there's no attack.
No attack, no victory.

This! This is what makes men, men.
I'II have to pick one up.
Anyway, where's Acky?
He's out on a mission for his oId man.
A mission, sir?
He's on the beach coIIecting sheIIs.
That's a IittIe more Iike Acky's speed.
Acky, what are you doing?
George, take cover.
Your dad said you were coIIecting sheIIs.
SheIIs. 57 miIIimeter.
My dad gets $12 apiece for them.
They make great paperweights.
