Pretty in Pink

Perfectly happy with part-time work?
- No. That's why I'm getting up.
- OK. I'll make you some breakfast.

I'm up.
- Hi, Blane.
- Hi, Kate. How you doin'?

- Fine. How are you?
- Good.

Morning! Welcome to another day
of higher education.

- Hi, Duckie. How are you?
- Not bad, considering I'm in this dump.

This is a really volcanic
ensemble you're wearing.

- Volcanic?
- You know, hot, dangerous...

- Are you going to class today?
- I don't know if I'm emotionally ready.

Go for it. It's virtually painless.
- I gotta go. I'll see you at lunch.
- OK.

I'll call the cafeteria and make
a reservation - two by the window.

No, you don't like to sit in the sun.
OK, something else.

Listen, may I admire you again today?
Ladies. I may be able
to work out a deal

where either one or the both of you
could be pregnant by the holidays.

Some argue that the New Deal
saved the capitalist system.

There's evidence that
the Roosevelt administration

was trying to avoid
excessive governmental power,
