Ruthless People

This is Sergeant Blake
at the lab.

I'd like a purchase search
on Uniroyal model NXP.

That's right,
for all of LA County.

[ TV Announcer ]
This is Action News Break.

Police are now at the scene of
a brutal murder in Inglewood...

they believe may be the result
of another attack by
the "bedroom killer."

Investigators are asking anyone
who may have seen this man
to contact them at 555-3421.

Police have also issued
a warning that this man
is extremely dangerous,

and citizens should not attempt
to apprehend him.

This is Action News Break.
I'm Rick DeReyes.

Away it goes!
Trying to beat--

Money, better times, girls.
Six. Keep going.
Steady, nice and tall.

Come on, and knees up,
feet straight. Get those heels down.

And pull those abdominals in.
Pull 'em in, suck 'em up.

If you're still on that couch
eating that doughnut,

put it down
and get up!

Three, four,
standing nice and tall.

Heels down and front.
Come on, reach.

Shh, shh, shh.
Come on, get those
pepperoni thighs nice and high.

And reach!
Do it a little higher.
Squeeze those buns.

Remember, if you don't,
no one else will.

[ Panting ]
- And don't forget to breathe.
- [ Gasping, Panting ]

What if he
doesn't show?
