Ruthless People

- Yeah, I'll sell you a stereo.
- All right.

I'm lookin' for something
real hot. I don't wanna
get ripped off, you know?

You're looking for some
real hot speakers, right?

I'm not talking about
something you just listen to.

- I'm talking about the kind
of sound you can feel.
- Yeah!

- You know what I mean.
- Yeah!

When it comes to great stereo,
you can't beat big speakers.

I'm talking about big speakers
with big woofers like this.

You can get this. It has
a nice little eight-inch
woofer, or this ten-incher.

Over here we have
a nice big 12-inch.

But I can tell by the look
on your face, man, you want
something even bigger.

- Fuck, yeah!
- "Fuck, yeah" is right.

We gotta go to
the big room for this!

The big room!
Check it out, my man.

The flagship of the
entire Dominator line. The MX-10.

I have a pair
of these myself.

30 inches of thigh-slappin',
blood-pumpin' nuclear brain damage!

Hey, what's the fucking cost?

That's the bitchin'
part about it. It don't matter.

If you can't afford it,
fuckin' finance it!

[ Loud Hard Rock ]

So what if it's as big
as a Subaru and costs as much!

You'll never have
to trade this in.

This is gonna be with you
for the rest of your life.

And when you die,
they can bury you in it!

I want it!
This guy is okay.
First guy I feel I can really trust.

Wait a minute.
Why don't I show you something else?

They're not very big,
but Consumer Stereo
rates them a best buy.
