
Yes. The time has come...
..for us brothers.
Former members of Orden.
Patriots of the Maximiliano
Hernandez Brigade.

And brothers of La Mano Blanca.
These fucking priests that are poisoning
the minds of our El Salvadorian youth...

..are gonna be the first to bleed.
They are pigshit.
And this Romero
is the biggest pigshit of all.

A shitfaced desecration of an archbishop.
And with this bullet,
he will be the first to die.

For every one of our people,
we will kill one hundred of them.

We will avenge the deaths...
..of the South African ambassador,...
..of foreign minister
Mauricio Borgenovo,...

..of Roberto Cuoma, of Colonel Rosario,...
..of Gutierrez and Molina,
and of the mayor of El Paraiso.

These subversives that have sold our
country out to the Communists will die.

Erlich, Zaun, Kelly, Duarte,
et cetera, et cetera.

And these pseudo-journalists sent here
by the Zionist-Communist conspiracy...

:40:30 divide and confuse our people,...
..they will die.
Who will be the one...
..among you...
:40:46 rid me of this Romero?
