Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home

- What were you doing in there?
- Yes, speak up.

- Attempting the hell to communicate.
- You have no right to be here!

You heard the lady.
If we assumed that these whales
are ours to do with as we please,

we would be as guilty as those
who caused their extinction.

I want you guys out of here
before I call the cops.

We were only trying to help.
Your friend
was messing up my whales.

They like you,
but they are not the hell your whales.

- I suppose they told you that.
- The hell they did.

Spock, about those colourful
metaphors we discussed.

Don't use them any more.
You haven't quite got the knack of it.

And another thing, it's not
always necessary to tell the truth.

- I cannot tell a lie.
- I don't mean lie.

But you could exaggerate.
You've done it before.

- Can't you remember?
- The hell I can't.

- What else did you learn?
- Their species is unhappy with man.

- Are they going to help us?
- I communicated our intentions.

It's all right. I know.
They didn't mean any harm.

- I heard there was some excitement.
- Just a couple of kooks.

- How are you doing?
- I'm fine.

Don't tell me fish stories,
I've known you too long.
