The Color of Money

When I'm behind the bar...
I think,
"l'm going to get me a waterbed..."

and not tell anybody...
Just make it a surprise.
Get some rum and pineapple juice.
You couldn't tell me
one word I just said...

could you?
No, I couldn't.
Waterbed, rum, pineapple juice.
Not that, it's...
I don't know,
that kid today...

it was like watching
a home movie.

Ah, it just
made me wonder.

Wonder what?
It made me wonder
about San Juan.

What did you mean
last night about money...

and all that stuff?
I want to show you

So this is
liquor money.

Some. Do you know
what I invest in?

You think Vincent's
that good?

Well, he's got the eye.
He's got the stroke.

He's got the flake
down cold...

but can he flake on
and flake off?

I don't know whether
that can be taught.

He's got to learn how to be himself,
but on purpose.
