The Color of Money

I'm wrong,
but let me do it my way!

Do it any way
you want.

I want to go
on the road.

Your things
at my apartment...

you'll find in a suitcase
out front, okay?

Hey, wait a--
I'm sorry.
I cover all expenses--
food, room, entry fees.

For that, I get 60%
of your winnings.

I also take the losses
if you lose.

For that, I get 60%
of what you win.

60%? What are you,
a slumlord?

Honey, you find
a newcomer...

with a better deal,
come to me, we talk.

Don't worry.
I'm not going to lose often.

Yes, you will.
That's what I'll teach you.

if you lose, you win.

So who's
the heaviest guy?

I'm the heaviest guy,
right, Eddie?

It doesn't make sense.
It goes in streaks.

The balls roll funny
for everybody, kiddo.

There's this guy--
Grady Seasons.

He's making the most
on paper...

but that doesn't
mean anything.

The money's
in the practise room.

That's where
you get good games.

You can get wiped out
at the tournament...

hang around
the practise room...

and make more money than
the tournament winner.

Hear that?
The practise room.

Hey, watch the paint.
What? Oh.
Is that metal
on your jacket?

- Sorry.
- Shit.

I'm starved.
here's the grub.

My pancakes are burnt.
Wait a minute.
We ordered four on,
two up.

I don't
want sausage.

It's the wrong order.
