The Golden Child

Get your monkey off my back.
Of course. Fu, please retire.
Yeah, Fu. Save it.
Wait a second...
Wait a second, this is a dream.
I'm dreaming! Hey...

Why do you say that?
Because of people like Fu
with his monkey face,

the big-headed guy,
the fat dude and you.

You don't exist, it's a dream.
Perhaps I've had you brought here
to make you an attractive offer.

I don't think I can accept a proposal
this early in the season.

Thank you.
Has it occurred to you how many men
of less worth have attained so much,

while you, who can imagine so much,
have so little?

No, I'm not that lucky.
I don't have that much imagination.

I don't like your attitude.
This is a nice jacket. It's got a
"Morris Day" feel and looks good on you.

And the boots... smoking.
I'll repeat my offer one last time.
I am dreaming, so I can say anything
and get away with it.

So I think I'll say, from my heart...
Kiss my ass.
Kiss my ass!
I can see that it's pointless
talking to you, Mr Jarrell.

Why do you insist on mispronouncing
my name, leaving the "J" silent?

- My name is "Jarrell" with a "J".
- Yes, I know.

My legs are more attractive.
I'm willing to make an exchange.
The child for the Ajanti Dagger.
