Top Gun

The best driver and his RIO
from each class has his name on it.

They have the option to come back here
and be Top Gun instructors.

- You think you will be on the plaque?
- Yes, sir.

That's pretty arrogant,
considering the company you're in.

- Yes, sir.
- I like that in a pilot.

Remember, when it's over out there,
we're all on the same team.

This school is about combat.
There are no points for second place.

- Dismissed.
- Nice going.

The plaque for the alternates
is down in the ladies' room.

Jesus ... You kill me.
You really do ...
There's two O's in Goose, boys.

- This I call a target-rich environment.
- You live your life between your legs.

Even you could get laid in here.
I'd be happy to find a girl
who'd talk dirty to me.

You wanted to know who the best is?
That's him. Iceman.

He flies ice-cold. No mistakes.
Wears you down. You get bored,
do something stupid, and he's got you.

- I thought you wanted to be a pilot.
- Whose butt did you kiss to get here?

- The list is long but distinguished.
- So is myjohnson.
