Tough Guys

How you feeling?
I guess I ain't got the stomach
for booze any more.

So this is it, huh?
- Nice.
- It stinks.

What happened last night?
How'd I get home?
You walked home, I guess.
I just came in a few minutes ago.

What the hell are you doing here?
I thought you was working.

- I quit.
- You quit?

Couldn't take it any more.
Being treated like dirt
ever since I got out of jail.

Sweeping out toilets,
scraping crud off dishes,

my girlfriend trying
to kill me with sex

and I'm dressing like Bozo
the Clown just to fit in.

I don't wanna fit in any more.
That makes two of us.
Listen, Harry,
let's go back to doing
something we really like doing.

You mean like robbing and stealing?
