When the Wind Blows

It's going to be very draughty with no doors on.
I expect it's a safety precaution.
It'll let the er... blast go straight through.
It says here...
"The inner core or refuge should be placed at
an angle of 60 degrees for maximum strength."

I should place it up against the wall,
if I were you, dear.

Yes, but which are the degrees?
We haven't got any angles.
I think we did it at school.
You... You had angles with degrees in.

Only I can't remember.
I think I'll ring our Ron. He'll know.

Hello, son. All right? Beryl and the baby?
Good. Er... look, I'm building
this governmental inner core or refuge,

and it says, "Place it at an angle of 60 degrees."
Well, what's that mean, exactly?
It's not cobblers, son.
It's in the governmental directive.
You mean you're not constructing
an inner core or refuge?

I gave you the leaflets especially!
But what about baby Jim?
Don't start singing!
What do you mean, "We'll all go together
when we go"? It's not funny.

No, but it's our duty to carry out
governmental instructions in time of war, son.
