When the Wind Blows

Probably been promoted.
More likely dead.
Monty dead? Never!
I'll bet he is.
It's about 40 years since the war.

And he had a moustache then!
Who's in charge now, then?
Oh, one of those commuters, I expect.
It says here,
"Place your National Savings Certificates,

medical cards and birth certificates in a box."
Here's a nice box, dear.
I'll give it a good clean-out.

Oh, thanks.
We'd er... better keep it in a safe place.
I wonder what would be a safe place.
Who's in charge of the Russians, dear?
Oh er... it's er...
Shavinsky, isn't it?
Or... Molotov.
No. Molotov's just a cocktail, I think.
Krushef. Yes, that's right.
B and K.
Bulgania and Krushef, that's them.
And that bloke Marx
has got something to do with it.

What are you doing, dear?
Blocking out the windows,
in compliance with the governmental directive.

It's the correct thing.
Er... yes. Then there's the er...
usual committee, of course,

the Common Term, they call it -
the Soviet Supreme.

They're in charge of the BJ Kee.
That's the Secret Service. SS for short.
Our lot is called EMl-5.
Oh, it's all very complicated, ducks.
Well, mind you don't scratch the polish!
Is it any good writing him a letter, do you think?
- Who, dear?
- This leader. BJ Whatshisname.

- What are you going to say, dear?
- Oh, I don't know.
