When the Wind Blows

Conservation of energy resources.
A wise governmental precaution
during the period of national emergency.

Good job we've got that little picnic stove,
eh, dear?

Are there any aspirins?
Mind it doesn't pop, James. I can't...
...bear it when it pops.
Nothing like a cup of tea, hm?
Crumbs! I must be dreaming.
The news! We're just in time.
No. Nothing. There's nothing.
All dead.
- What about the telly?
- Yes, of course.

They may have filmed it all.
We may see our bomb on the news.
No. All dead.
- No picture?
- No.

- Not even just the voices?
- No! Nothing.

- All dead.
- All dead?

- We'll have to wait for the paper.
- There should be some good pictures.

These bombs are quite spectacular.
- He's late already.
- Yes, well, that's logical.

There's bound to be delays and shortages
during the period of national emergency.

I'll miss the serial on Woman's Hour.
It was just getting interesting.

Crumbs! I haven't tried the transistor.
No. Seems to have packed up.
Or probably needs new batteries.
Yes, I must pop down to Willis's.
They are a price these days.
97p last time. Just fancy!
We ought to get one of these new hi-fis
when your endowment policy comes up.

Oh, yes. Or a stereo.
I've only got two years to go.

- I hope Ron and Beryl got back all right.
- Oh, yes, they'll be all right.

- Our Ron's a very careful driver.
- I didn't mean the driving so much, dear.
