Wise Guys

Marco, here's your lasagna pan.
It's been at the house since Christmas.

- Thanks. What can I get you guys?
- Give me an egg cream, Marco, will you?

Yeah? How about you, coz?
What will it be? A coco loco?

Don't start. What, Wanda called Aunt Mary?
Give me a cioccolata calda.

Sure. And wipe that shit off your face
before Mr. Castelo comes down.

What, it looks that bad? Shoot.
Cost me 6 bucks.

- Do you know today's my birthday?
- No kidding. Happy birthday.

Marco, let me have a cannoli
while you're there.

You didn't get me anything, did you?
All right. Moe...
...the egg cream's on me.
Happy birthday, all right?

That's nice and hot. Very good.
Here comes another birthday present
for you: Frankie the Fixer.

- Oh, man, not him.
- Look at him. He's oozing this way.

Fat and miserable.
- Frank, how's it hanging?
- Give me a Balboa. Give me a beer.

Frankie, you're looking good.
We were just saying,
we don't see enough of you.

- You're what I'm looking for, dickface.
- Frankie, the name's Dickstein.

Make yourself available
this afternoon, dickhead!

Frankie, for you, it's his pleasure.
Just tell us what you want...
...and we'll jam it right up your fat,
pork-chop ass, you miserable bastard.

What you telling him it's my pleasure for?
I'll tell him.

You always do that. It upsets me
to be around him.

You think I'm in love with the miserable...

God, I love you. You're looking terrific,
Frankie. I mean it.

Hey, I heard you got your kid
a new 10-speed bike.

What a great dad you are.
That's very important.

Later, dickface. Don't forget.
It's Dickstein.
Let's make this quick.
I wanna go home and change.

Santo, I'm increasing Judge Overton
and Chief Barkley's monthly allowance.

Make sure there's an extra thousand
in each envelope you deliver today.
