Amazon Women on the Moon

[Bernice] Harvey? Oh, my
God! Possibly a giant squid.

Something to add a little science
fiction to it. I'm calling an ambulance.

I'm calling an ambulance! A
tragic waste, but who cares?

Oh, I see our time is up. We
want to thank you very much...

for joining us
on Critics Corner.

Hope you'll be back next week when we'll
have an aisle seat reserved just for you.

ยค [Organ: Perky Theme]

There's so many things he could've
done. He could've had a better haircut.

[Man] We now return to the 1957 film,
Amazon Women
on the Moon,

starring Bill Thomas
and Buzzy Clark.

There will be no
further interruptions.

Well, here we are
on the moon.

This place gives me the willies.

Think we'll run into
any moon men?

Not intelligent life
as you and I know it, Butch.

If there are any Martians, I'll bet
they speak the universal language...

You remember the space oath you
took at the academy, Blackie?

"I will not exploit other worlds
for personal gain. "

Look at that.
Follow me, men.
Keep your eyes open.


- [Loony Chattering]
- Hey, dig that crazy full moon.
