Amazon Women on the Moon

And Rip Taylor,
is that a toupee,

or did a beaver curl up
and die on your head?

- [Laughing]
- ¤ [Jazz]

As I look at Henny Youngman today, I'm
not so sure we're burying the right guy.

[Laughter, Applause]
¤ [Ends]

¤ [Piano, Slow] [Announcer] At last,
the greatest album
oflove songs ever recorded.

You'll want to share them
with someone special.

¤ Why do birds suddenly appear ¤
Sung by the man who turned a personal
affliction into a recording career,

Don "No Soul"Simmons.
¤ Just like me ¤
¤ They long to be ¤
¤ Close to you ¤
¤ Why do stars ¤
¤ [Band Begins]

¤ Fall down from the sky ¤
¤ Every time ¤
¤ You walk by ¤
¤ Just like me ¤
¤ They long to be ¤
¤ Close to you ¤
¤ She'd been sitting there ¤
[Announcer] So curl up by the fireside...

and listen to the non-threatening
music of this master showman.

¤ And, honey, I miss you ¤

¤ And I'm
being good ¤

¤ And I'd love
to be with you ¤

¤ If only
I could ¤

¤ Say, has anybody seen ¤
¤ My sweet Gypsy Rose ¤
¤ Here's her picture
when she was ¤

¤ My sweet Mary Jo ¤ [Announcer]
Young lovers of any age...

will cherish
this timeless collection...

of the world's
most romantic ballads.

And if you act now,
you'll get free...

this bonus album:
Don Simmons Down & Funky.
