Angel Heart

And they started firing at each other
Fat Kwan was shot
How about Wing?
Ugly hits him right on spot
We should've got some wild boys
Although they may not kill at least,
they will freak them out

Where are they?
Ugly is inside wrapping
his brother's wounds

Ah Lon, it won't work
The bullet went too deep
No matter how much you clean up
the blood will keep coming back

l've to take out the bullet
and stitch it back

l'll send you to the hospital
What did you say?
Didn't you expert say
you're swift and all?

lt's just a shot and your tears
are flooding the building!

Can we call up a doctor?
Turn back,
l don't wanna see your face

You look terrible, more like a ghost
lf it wasn't me who pass you
this business opportunity

you would be exhibiting in the zoo
Yes, l know
Ah Kwan, think twice about it
Nowthat you've enough to eat, a roof
And a job giving you $5,000
a dead man what else do you want?

Work harder and kill more for me
so that you can go home
and built yourself a house!

Can you help me to stitch?
Get him some alcohol and bandages
Where is Wendy?
She's upstairs waiting for you
l'll give you two hours.
l've a meeting after this

What should we do today?
