Angel Heart

Don't touch the bandages
Who... who're you?
Don't you recognize me?
l saw you that night
and you didn't kill me

You only hit me and threw me aside
l'm the only survivor that night
You saved my life
Where's my brother?
He's dead at the pier
l know you want to revenge
but you just had your surgery
Let's wait until you recover alright?
What surgery?
l heard the doctor said
you're a very rare skull
deformed patient

who is lucky enough to have
your face crash in this car accident

They operate a plastic surgery and
re-form your facial tissues and bones
After recovery, you'll just look like
everybody else

You're no longer a deformed freak
From now on,
no one will recognize you

You've fell into a coma for
twenty days and kept calling Wendy

ls Wendy your lover?
