Black Widow

Medic alert.
I'm allergic to penicillin.

We're done. We're all done.
Last hand, you guys.
Herb's got it, honey.
He's got that look.

That's the look?
That's the look.

Yeah, I'm done.
You do got it,
you lame son of a bitch.

I'll see your 20
and kick you 20.

What is that, suicide?
Some kind of sympathy ploy?

- Called putting up your money. Herbert?
- I got it, Alex. Keep your 40.

Kick me back.
Just call. All blue, darling.
Remember last week?
- I think we're even now, baby.
Yeah, well, I gotta get out of here.

Hold on a second, will you, please?
- Guys, come on.
Take it easy!

This is my money. I've got about...
I got about 40, 50, $60 here.
I already got this money spent.
Yeah, what are you buying?
New underwear?

You took Alex out once, didn't you?
Yeah, Redskins game.

So how'd it go?
Skins lost.
You want your neck rubbed?
I want my neck rubbed.
- Oh, man.
- Thinking about your Borgia lady?

- You figure out how she hits them?
- Oh, Christ, I don't know.

It could be methadone.
It leaves a negligible trace.
