Chou tin dik tong wah

You haven't left yet?
l've decided to stay
in New York with you.

Stay if you like,
but don't say it's because of me.

You decide the place
that fits you the best.

l thought about it clearly.
New York fits me best.

Today you say New York,
tomorrow you'll say Boston.
Anyway it doesn't matter.
Your family is rich.

l won't depend on my family anymore.
Could you get me a job?
You, work?
You won't even get enough for your car.

Besides, l won't be able to help you.
l'm moving to Long lsland
to stay with the family l babysit.

You still mad at me?
You know when l first got here, alone...
l was confused and loose.
Now l want to settle down.
But l don't.
l didn't sleep last night,
thinking about you.

Three people didn't sleep last night.
Let me go and finish packing.
Well, let me drive you to Long lsland.
