Ernest Goes to Camp

Looks like
"Project: Last Chance" to me.

Come on, gang.
Follow me.

Well, well.
Looks like daddy's little
gentlemen are glad to see us.

Yeah, if white bread could
talk, it'd fit in right here.

There's a lot of love
in this room.

I can feel it,
and it's a beautiful thing.

Yeah. I'm moved.
Hi, fellas.
Boy, do I have
something special prepared

for your first day at camp.
Hey, what is this stuff?
Oh, it's sugar puffs
with a gravy casserole

with just a cuwcah of bologna-walnut
fudge in a pork marinade.

I think it'll be a real boost
for the fiber of American youth.

Isn't it, Jake?
Why, of course it is.
Doesn't smell too bad.
Yeah, that's the guy
who once ate two pounds
of modeling clay.

Modeling clay!
Yellow modeling clay!
That's the secret ingredient
to eggs erroneous.

We re-fuse the proteins
like bullion.

Of course it would!
Uh, get back to work!

Modeling clay...
Modeling clay.
Oh! Ho ho!
Did the little fellow
fall down and go boom?

Looks like he needs
special classes in walking.

Hey, dipstick, you ever pick on anybody
your own size, or just little kids?

Hey, can I help it
if the kid can't walk?

It was an accident.
Accident, huh?
