Full Metal Jacket

Pyle, square your ass away and
start shitting me Tiffany cuff links...

...or I will definitely fuck you up!
Parris Island, South Carolina...
...the United States Marine Corps
Recruit Depot.

An eight-week college
for the phony-tough and the crazy-brave.

# Mama and Papa were laying in bed!
# Mama rolled over
and this is what she said:

# 'Oh, give me some...
# '...P.T.!'
# Good for you and good for me!
# Mmm, good!
# Up in the morning to the rising sun!
# Gotta run all day...
# ...till the running's done!
# Ho Chi Minh is a son of a bitch!
# Got the blueballs, crabs
and the seven-year itch! #

Left shoulder, hut!
What are you trying to do
to my beloved Corps?

Sir, I don't know, sir!
Do you expect me to believe
that you don't know left from right?

You did that on purpose!
You want to be different!

- What side was that?
- Sir, left side, sir!

Are you sure, Private Pyle?
What side was that?
Sir, right side, sir!
