Full Metal Jacket

Get your fat ass up there!
What the hell's wrong with you?
If there was some pussy up there,
you could get up there, couldn't you?

Your ass looks like about 150 pounds
of chewed bubble gum, Pyle.

One for the commandant!
One for the Corps!
Get up there!
The Corps don't get theirs!
Get up there, Pyle!

Pull, Pyle, pull!
One pull-up, Pyle! Come on, pull!
You've got to be shitting me!
Get your ass up there!

Do you mean to tell me you cannot do
one single pull-up?

You are a worthless piece of shit, Pyle!
Get out of my face!

Get up there, Snowball.
Get up here, fatboy!
Quickly! Move it up, Pyle! Move it up!
You climb obstacles like old people fuck.
Do you know that, Private Pyle?

Get up here! You're too slow! Move it!
Private Pyle, whatever you do,
don't fall down!

That would break my fucking heart!
Quickly! Up and over! Up and over!
What in the fuck are you waiting for,
Private Pyle?

Get up and over!
Move it, move it!
Are you quitting on me?
Well, are you?
Then quit, you slimy, fucking,
walrus-looking piece of shit!

Get the fuck off of my obstacle!
Get the fuck off of my obstacle!
Now! Move it!
I'm going to rip your balls off so you
can't contaminate the rest of the world!

I will motivate you, Private Pyle...
...if it short-dicks every cannibal
on the Congo!

Pick 'em up and set 'em down, Pyle!
Quickly! Move it up!
Were you born a fat, slimy scumbag,
you piece of shit, Private Pyle?
