Full Metal Jacket

7.62 millimeter.
Full metal jacket.
Leonard, if Hartman comes in here
and catches us...

...we'll both be in a world of shit.
I am...
...in a world...
...of shit!
Left shoulder, hut!
Right shoulder, hut!
Lock and load.
Order, hut!
# This is my rifle!
# There are many like it,
but this one is mine. #

Get back in your bunks!
What is this Mickey Mouse shit?
What in the name of Jesus H. Christ
are you animals doing in my head?

Why is Pyle out of his bunk
after lights out?

Why is Pyle holding that weapon?
Why aren't you stomping
Private Pyle's guts out?

Sir, it is the private's duty
to inform you...

...that Private Pyle has a full magazine
and has locked and loaded, sir!

Now listen to me, Private Pyle...
...and listen good.
I want that weapon...
...and I want it now!
