Full Metal Jacket

We got Condition Red and we expect rain.
Outstanding. We taking care of business?
The N.V.A. are dug in deep.
Hotel Company is working this side
of the river, house by house.

Charles has his shit together,
but we're still getting some decent kills.

We heard the N.V.A. executed
a lot of gook civilians.

I saw bodies half a klick
this side of the canal.

Can you show me where?
The dead have been covered with lime.
The dead know only one thing:
It is better to be alive.
I make it 20.
Is that the official body count, sir?

What outfit are you with?
We're from "Stars and Stripes."
I'm Sergeant Joker
and this photographer is Rafterman.

I'm Lt. Cleves. Hartford, Connecticut.
Have you got a body count, sir?
How did it happen, sir?
The N.V.A. came in
with a list of gook names:

Government officials, policemen,
ARVN officers, teachers.

They asked them, real polite, to report
the next day for political re-education.

Everybody who turned up got shot.
Some they buried alive.
