Full Metal Jacket

What was wrong with him?
He was jerking off ten times a day.
It's no shit. At least ten times a day.
Last week he was sent to Da Nang
to see the Navy head shrinker.

The crazy fucker jerks off
in the waiting room.

Instant Section 8.
He was waiting for his papers
to clear division.

Hue city interviews. Roll 34.
This is a major city,
so we have to assault with...

...tanks in the streets.
They send us in first squad...
...to make sure there are no little, uh...
...Vietnamese waiting with B-40 rockets
to blow the tanks away.

So we roll the tanks in and basically,
blow the place to hell.

When we're in Hue, in Hue city...
...it's like a war, you know.
Like what I thought about, what I
thought a war was supposed to be.

There's the enemy, kill them.
There's no question about it.
We're the best.

It's bullshit about Air Cav. When
the shit hits the fan, who do they call?

They call Mother Green
and her killing machine!

Do I think America belongs in Vietnam?
I don't know. I belong in Vietnam,
I'll tell you that.

Can I quote L.B.J.?
I will not send...
...American boys 10,000 miles
around the world...

...to do a job Asian boys
should be doing for themselves.

Personally, I think...
...they don't want to be involved
in this war.
