Full Metal Jacket

She says no boom-boom with you.
What the motherfuck?
She says soul brother too beaucoup.
He's saying you black boys
pack too much meat!

She looks like she could suck
the chrome off a trailer hitch.

She say too beaucoup. Too beaucoup.
Excuse me, ma'am.
What we have here is a magnificent...
...specimen of pure Alabama blacksnake.
But it ain't too goddamn beaucoup.
Okay. Okay.
- We need a batting order.
- I'm going first.

Back off, white bread.
Don't get between a dog and his meat.

All fucking niggers must fucking hang.
Hey, I won't be long.
I'll skip the foreplay.

- I don't want it after you, man!
- Fuck you!

Intelligence passed the word down...
...that during the night the N.V.A.
pulled out of our area...

...to positions across the Perfume River.
Our squad is sent on patrol
to check out the report.
