Full Metal Jacket

What the fuck do we do now?
Give me that fucking radio.
Murph? This is Cowboy. Over.
We're in deep shit. Two men down.
What's the story on the tank? Over.

Sorry, Cowboy.
No luck so far with the tank.
Will advise. Over.
Numb-nut bastards.
Okay, listen up!
Can't wait for the tank.
They're going to hit us any minute.
When they do, we won't have time.
We have to pull out now. Get ready.
Wait! Hold it!
Nobody's pulling out!
There's only one fucking sniper!
Back off!
I'm calling the plays and I say we pull out!
What about Doc Jay and Eightball?
It's shitty, but we can't refuse
to accept the situation.

We're not leaving them out there!
They're wasted!
You know that!
Come on, we gotta bring them back.
Let's do it!
Stand down! That's a direct order.
Fuck you, Cowboy!
Fuck all you assholes!

Goddamn it!
Fucking son of a bitch!
You motherfucker!
Where's the sniper?
Doc, where's the sniper?
