Full Metal Jacket

Take him easy. Here. Good.
Help him up.
Here, sit down for a minute.
Nice and easy.
There you go.
Init, terra, Mars, alpha.
Compiling mission itinerary.

You don't appear to have
any compound fractures.

Doesn't look like you broke anything.
Reserve power supplies are failing.
Auxiliary power unit, 20%.
Reroute the main power supply
through the B-chip, Lucille.

This violates operating parameters.
I won't take no for an answer.
You got that?!

Do it! Now!
Yes, commander. Alpha processor
discharged. Power sent to beta chip.

Main power unit 15%.
Main power unit restored.
Well done, commander.

-Artificial gravity restored.
-No shit.

Artificial atmosphere systems restored.
O-2 level 2% and increasing.
Where the hell is HAB?
If you hadn't dumped our navigator,
we'd know.

Can't get a visual on AMEE,
but maybe I can fix this radio.
