Gaam yuk fung wan

Why didn't you come to me?
Hunger strike is a serious matter
I would like you all to eat
I promise not to take any action
Don't try to show off here
Haven't I been giving in?
What do you want from me?
Additional sentence or transfer?
Sir, if you let them go
I'm sure they'll eat
It's too late to play nice
Discipline is of utmost importance
Instigation is a serious offense
And will be punished. Sit down and eat!
I do not make the rules
Mickey, eat!
I'm deeply moved
I'll do what you ask of me
Eat! Let's eat!
You finish this for me!
I told you!
What will they think of you now?
Don't think you'll be getting out soon
If you don't finish this
You're not leaving this prison
Eat shit!
