Gardens of Stone

Don't get stuck in a cab again.
I'll see you there.

- Give me the whole story.
- Yeah, over there.

Come on, Stan.
- Get back to me.
- Tell him to look at it.

He'll be able to help with the story,
so it's important you get there.

- What about the reception tonight?
- It's tomorrow, 7:30. We'll meet here.

That'll give you time to get dolled up
and we can get there on time, 8:00.

Sergeant's gonna show me where
they hide Persian rugs in this town.

- I hope I didn't...
- Oh, no, work. Reception.

And ambassadors, they like
their reporters dolled up, do they?

Yeah, sometimes.
These are very nice...
- Yeah, let's go steal a rug.
- Right.

What's bothering you, Clell? Tell me.
Why do you want to leave
the Old Guard so badly?

We're just a bunch
of toy soldiers, Sam.

You don't believe in the war,
but if you transfer...

:53:23'll be part of sending
these boys over.

Yeah. I guess I should be there
where it really counts.

I just can't watch
one more of those boys...

- I guess it's just weakness.
- It's not weakness, Clell.

Sam, my business
is a family business.

If a building burns and you can't
carry all your children...

:53:55 damn well do what you can
and cry about it later.
