Himmel %C3%BCber Berlin, Der

lt took a long time for the river to find
its bed and the stagnant water to flow.

Valley of the primeval river.
One day, l still remember...

the glacier melted
and the icebergs drifted to the north.

A tree passed by, still green,
with an empty bird's nest.

Only the fish had leapt
over a myriad of years.

Then came the moment
when the bees drowned.

Some time later,
the two stags fought on the bank.

Then the flies and the antlers,
like branches, flowing down the river.

All that ever grew again was grass...
growing over the bodies of wild cats,
wild boar and buffaloes.

One morning, out of the savannah,
its forehead smeared with grass...

appeared the biped,
our image, so long awaited.

And its first word was a shout.
Was it ""ah"" or ""oh"",
or was it merely a groan?

We were at last able to laugh,
for the first time.

Through this man"s shout and that
of his followers, we learnt to speak.

A long story.
Sun, lightning, thunder in the sky...
and below on earth,
the firesides, the leaps...

the round dances,
the signs, the writing.

Then one broke through the cycle
and ran straight ahead.

As long as he ran straight ahead,
swerving sometimes perhaps from joy...

he seemed free,
and again we could laugh with him.

But then, suddenly, he ran zigzag,
and stones flew.

With his flight began
the history of wars. lt is still going on.
