Himmel über Berlin, Der

What shall l do?
Not think any more.
Just be there.

Berlin... Here l'm a stranger,
and yet it's all so familiar.

You can't get lost,
you always end up at the Wall.

l'm waiting for my photo at a machine,
and it comes out with another face.

That could be the beginning of a story.
The faces... l'd like to see faces.
Maybe l'll find a job as a waitress.
This evening scares me.
lt's silly, fear makes me sick.
Only part of me worries,
the other part doesn't believe in it.

How should l live?
Maybe that's not the question.

How should l think?
l know so little. Maybe
because l'm always just curious.

Sometimes l think so wrongly...
because l'm thinking
as if l was talking to someone else.

lnside closed eyes,
close the eyes again.

Then even the stones come alive.
