Jean de Florette

Come here, Manon.
I'll give you an important job.
You'll water these plants
carefully once a day.

Galinette, he's a real joke.
He planted tomatoes
on the north side.

Even if they bear fruit,
it won't ever ripen.

He pushed his chickpeas
down too deep with a stick.

They won't even yield
a salad bowl full.

He planted the onions
right under the olive tree!

And he didn't plant
the potatoes deep enough.

He doesn't sow seeds,
he throws them!

They'll grow in tufts,
like hair on a mangy dog!

If that loony thinks
he can feed a family on that--

When I look at him,
I have to laugh...

but it also breaks my heart.
I feel like showing him
how to do it right.

Let him do it his way.
It's not the best way,
but it's better for us.
