Lethal Weapon

Happy birthday, Rog!
We got a hooker.
No, it's Dixie. Would you please
tell these bozos to lay off?

You bozos, lay off.
Had a jumper here last night.
She saw it happen.

Get her statement, send her home.
Thanks. I'm beat.
You know how it is.

All dressed up, no one to blow.
You're hilarious!
I can't believe you damn cops!

The jumper's name is Amanda Hunsaker.
Age 22.
Prostitute. One arrest,
no convictions. Born in Tennessee.

-What was the name?

The parents.
Michael and Claire.
You know them?
Right. Find out who bought it,
who's paying the bills.

-That will take some looking into.
-So look!

Hello, honey.
Give me the number for Michael Hunsaker.
The man we talked about?
Your Vietnam buddy?

-You just mentioned him this morning.
-What's wrong?

His daughter just dove out a window.
I got it.
